10 Best No-Code / Low-Code Tools to Scale your Operations in 2022

Apr 25, 2022 - Reading time: 3 min
10 Best No-Code / Low-Code Tools to Scale your Operations in 2022

1. Blitz

Okay, we are going to start with Blitz. It’s our blog right 🙂

Blitz is used by operations teams to build internal tools, with zero code. You can easily create your own database with your business logic and build apps on top. Stop using spreadsheets and start structuring your processes with granular permissions. Use our pre-built components and APIs to easily build any internal apps: an admin portal, your ticketing system or even your backoffice.

Plus, we offer data hosting in the EU and no record limits—so no need to worry about GDPR or scalability ;)


2. Airtable

Airtable is a very flexible tool. As with Excel spreadsheets, you can create databases in just a few clicks. You can easily build a base, define the field types and integrate it with all the tools you use.

Airtable is a very intuitive tool that offers great flexibility—making it the perfect platform to test out new processes.


3. Make

Operations are also about automating workflows to make internal processes smoother. On that aspect, Make gives you some great capabilities. You can easily build automations between different systems and remove the hurdle of doing manual tasks.

While Zapier is more intuitive and easy to set up, Make (formerly Integromat) has more advanced capabilities and will be cheaper at scale.


4. Bubble

No need to introduce Bubble—THE low-code tool for makers. With Bubble, you can basically build anything: from websites to apps. This low code platform offers great customization capabilities, and, making it a very powerful tool when you need to launch a prototype or test out a new process. Some companies have even been built on Bubble!

But don’t be fooled: while the tool is powerful, it comes with a long learning curve. Running databases on Bubble can also be quite complicated. Hopefully, they have a very active community of bubblers that is very helpful.


5. Webflow

Build your website with Webflow. If you have some HTLM/CSS knowledge, using Webflow will be a charm! Their drag-and-drop design editor works great and gives advanced control over responsiveness. SEO is integrated in the product: you can easily set up meta descriptions and openGraph images on all your pages. Plus, you get warnings to improve your web page accessibility and performance.

Full disclaimer: blitznocode.com website was made on Webflow—what do you think? 🙂


6. Retool

Retool is a great tool to build UI interfaces on top of your databases. As a developer tool, it requires some SQL knowledge to set it up. You can leverage their pre-built templates and large library of components to build internal tools and backoffice. By building on Retool, your engineering team can deliver non-core apps faster and help your operations teams be more efficient.


7. Coda

In the continuity of Notion, Coda takes on the challenge to revolutionize the way documents are created inside companies.

Coda offers advanced collaboration capabilities as well as many integrations to help scale internal processes.


8. Softr

Softr is a no code tool to add frontend capabilities to Airtable. They make it super easy to build any kind of apps using blocks. Customization remains fairly limited, but the ease of use makes up for it.

Build your app on top of your Airtable database in just minutes using their pre-built templates.


9. Jotform

As your business grows, you need to gather feedback from customers, send out customer satisfaction surveys and onboard new employees. The best (and most) simple way to do so is often by using online forms that integrate with your tools.

Jotform offers lots of flexibility on the design side of things, with over 10,000 templates—all of them fully customizable.


10. Whaly

Operations teams need to rely on a lot of data to improve and scale existing processes. Whaly is a no-code platform to centralize and analyze data from all the tools you are using every day.

Whether you want to prepare a beautiful dashboard and send it to your BI tool, sync back calculated fields to your CRM or push recurring alerts to slack, Whaly got you covered.

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